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What are the seven principles of HACCP Certification?

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HACCP related to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. HACCP certification was organized with emerging necessity of food safety in the world. HACCP Certification is an internationally established standard for protecting food supply from chemical and microbiological hazards. The HACCP certificate had laid down general obligation to be followed for the implementation of the certification. Effective achievement of the requirements will assure human health and safety in the supply of food chain. HACCP Certification in Dubai is applicable to all big, small, manufactures, suppliers, retailers in food chain irrespective of its location, business size, etc. which include

1. Fruits & Vegetables

2. Dairy Products

3. Fish & Fishery Products

4. Spices

5. Bakery & Confectionary

6. Restaurants and cooking service providers

7. Fast Food Operations etc.

HACCP Certification Consultant in Kuwait is defending techniques to conform safety standard of the food products. With the success of certification it is confirmed that the food product is safe which gives customers confidence about consumption of the food products. People avoid taking risk when it comes to food and health safety Hazards. Most of retailers and market owner’s deal with HACCP certified products and maximum amount of consumers prefer safety approved food products.

What are the benefits of HACCP system they are listed below?

1. Customer fulfillment

2. User safety and health

3. Food standard and quality enhanced to the conformity

4. Benefit of international stature against other competitor with no HACCP certification

5. Identifies, manages and minimizes risks

6. Food safety standards increase

7. Ensures you are compliant with the law

8. Prevention from disease and synthetic hazards

9. Maintain your business money in the long run

10. Business your process to produce safe food.

There are 7 principles of HACCP certification in Dubai?

1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis:-

The application of these steps involves listing the principles in the process and identifying where significant hazards are likely to Occur. You will need to make sure that you have the expertise to make an accurate evaluation of the food hazards. The HACCP certification in Kuwait will focus on hazards that can be prevented, eliminated or controlled by the HACCP plan. A justification for including the hazard is reported and possible control measures are identified.

2. Identify the Critical Control Points:-

HACCP Consultant in Dubai is a critical control point (CCP) is a step or procedure at which control can be applied and a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable steps. The HACCP Certification will use a CCP decision tree to help identify the critical control points in the process. The number of critical control point needed depends on the processing levels and the control needed to assure food safety.

3. Establish Critical Limits:-

A critical limit (CL) is the maximum and minimum value to which a biological, chemical, or physical parameter must be controlled at a critical control point to prevent, eliminate to an acceptable level the situation of a food safety hazard. The critical limit is usually a distance such as time, temperature, weight or some other measure that is based on scientific literature or regulatory standards.

4. Establish Monitor CCP:-

The HACCP Certification in Dubai will describe monitoring form for the measure of the critical limit at each critical control point. Monitoring procedures should explain how the measure will be taken, when the measurement is taken, who is responsible for the measure and how frequently the measurement is taken during production.

5. Establish Corrective Action:-

Corrective actions are the method that is followed when a deviation in a critical limit occurs. The HACCP team will identify the steps that will be taken to prevent potentially hazardous food from entering the food chain and the levels that are needed to correct the process. HACCP Certification in Kuwait usually includes identification of the problems and the steps taken to assure that the problem will not occur again.

6. Establish Verification Procedure:-

Those activities, other than monitoring, that determine the validity of the HACCP Certification plan and that the system is operating according to the plan. The HACCP Certification may identify activities such as auditing of Critical control point, record review, prior shipment review, instrument calibration and product testing as part of the verification activities.

7. Establish Record keeping procedure:-

A key component of the HACCP Certification plan is recording information that can be used to prove that the food was produced safely. The records also need to include information about the HACCP Certification plan. Record should include information on the HACCP Team, product description, flow diagrams, the hazard analysis, the CCP's identified, Critical Limits, Monitoring System, Corrective Actions, Estimate Record keeping Procedures, and Establish Verification Procedures.

Our Advice

So my suggestion is for every company How to get HACCP Certification in Kuwait is needed. Want to get certified? Contact or contact We are providing Certification services in overall world and it is the best HACCP Certification Consultants Services in Dubai.



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